What To Do In ‘08

I’m not the best golfer, but I imagine that if I became President I would start winning a lot more rounds. The same probably goes for bowling and baccarat. Granted I’ve never played baccarat, but that’s because I don’t own a tuxedo. If I was President, I would have to have a tux and then I could play baccarat more often. Although this fun would be more than tempered by the fact that I would be required to wear suits or just pants in general. It seems that most Presidents consider relaxing clothes to be slacks and a polo shirt. I got news for ya, that is what I always thought ‘dressing up’ was. Man, it must suck to be President.
As fun as I previously thought it might be to become President, think of the liberties you give up by becoming the leader of the free world. It’s rather ironic when you stop to think about it. For example, does the FBI monitor your emails and computer usage in the White House? Because if they do half as good a job as my employer’s HR Department does, forwarding funny emails and the ‘Check It Out, I’m The President And Now I Order You To Read My Blog’ blog would most certainly come to an end. One can only assume that getting to watch 4 hours of NASCAR every Sunday would end too. To get on their good side though, I’d invite the FBI to come up and watch the Office and 30 Rock in the White House theater every Thursday. I’d even serve Juju Bees because everything is more fun with Juju Bees.
Then comes the eating stuff. It HAS GOT to be a perk to be able to have a chef at your beck and call. What worries me though is if the chef ever cuts you off and is forced by his job contract to stop you from eating too much. ‘Sorry Mr. President, you’ve had a few too many Monte Christos tonight, why don’t you head upstairs to the residence and get some rest. When that happens you are left trying to smuggle food into the White House, which only gets the food delivery guy jumped by the Secret Service. It’s an ugly vicious cycle…
If you become President, people start caring overnight about what you have to say. This means that you need to be very careful when speaking your mind. We all say things in private that we probably would not say in public. When you become President, there will always be someone there to take note of your thoughts. Once again, if I were President, I could instantly damage the United States’ agricultural industry and the efforts of parents everywhere who try in vain every night to get their children to eat vegetables when I am overheard saying ‘dangit, not green beans again. You know how much I hate eating vegetables. Why isn’t there more fried food on my plate?’
There is one perk of being President I could get used to though. That would be getting to attend sporting events and throwing out the first pitches and saying ‘Gentleman, I am the President, now please start your engines…’ Yeah, that would be fun. I’d be concerned about inviting all of the winning teams to the White House for photos though. I’m a very harsh sports fan (just ask Jeff Gordon – yeah, that was me yelling at you in September at the California Speedway). There is no way I could invite a sports team I did not like to the White House without expressing my dislike for them. I don’t think a President would be thought of very highly when he whispers to the team captain something like ‘enjoy your time here because I root against you and if it were up to me you’d be picking up trash on the highway’ or ‘you know you only won because you cheated, right) in between photo poses.
Yeah, perhaps the presidency is not for me. Not that I’d ever GET elected. As soon as the press and the guys hired by the opposition to dig up dirt on me come across my blog, I’d be finished. Seriously, I did an entire post on eggnog not long ago.
In the span of 24 hours you go from owning your own town to being President of our great country.
You are a man on a mission. Mission Impossible, maybe, but a mission.
I know...you could run for President of the Blogosphere. You could promise PEZ for all if you are elected.
You'd have my vote.
Egg nog does not equate to "skeletons in the closet" .....
I think you'd be elected...if you chose to run, that is. hehe.
You'd have my vote...
Be careful, verrrrry careful what you wish for! Perhaps we all can use the Pez to dispense votes for you...
I would ABSOLUTELY get a ride on an F-18 and land on an aircraft carrier! How cool would that be!
Hell you already gave me PEZ so I guess I have to VOTE for you...as president of Bloggsville... (but di want you to win, so the PEZ isn't why I vote for you)
Once Again Michael...
You have OUT DONE yourself. This is yet another possible skit. I can picture all of the situations you wrote about.
Placing an "actor" in the kitchen with the chef and excessive eating of Monte Christos followed by the secret service... C'MON.
OR...the email monitoring.
I cant.
I'll vote for you if you make it a law that everyone has to read my blog (and yours, of course). People who don't will be lined up and shot.
I mean, that's reasonable, right?
Huh? Huh?
I don't think they serve pumpkin spice coffee at the White House. You'd have to get your own Starbuck's stand to make it work.
Oooh, I'll vote for you - screw national health care - I could get you to take a serious look at my free fried cheese for the underprivaledged and middle class instead!!! :-0...
Just found your blog and I am lovin it.
BTW - I LOVE eggnog
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