Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Why I Write

Well, I do so so that you have something to read. Please be honest, seeing a blank page would not be fun. Although you're probably thinking it would be better than how I deface the page...But it's a good question. I mean the pregunta (that's Spanish for question) about why I write, not the question about me trying to do graffiti with the written word on a blank page.

Now that I have you completely lost...ahh heck, I am too. I wanted this be a look into why I write, but I didn't think it out anymore than that. I even have my 'writing pipe,' the one I want to have in my mouth as I complete the book I promised myself. I even have a sweater (ok, sweat shirt with hoodie), booze (well, it's wine) and I contemplated getting an eye patch. You know, the things a great writer has, so that I could explain to you why I write.

It feels good (I'm talking about writing here people!!). It's like every time I have have something to say, I feel like I should write it out. The only problem with that is AS (After Stroke), I have trouble committing my words to paper. Heck, I have trouble even getting the right words out. But rather than let that deter me, I'm am just gonna write what comes to mind. You may ask yourself why would a train leave the station KNOWING that it was going to derail, but that's where the fun comes in.

Writing is for some people a dreaded thought, not something that they want to make into a habit. But even if you have nothing to say, getting it on paper is the start of you 'writing exercises.' I honestly believe that if you train a brain to sit down and write that you will and it'll become easier and more readable. Besides, doing crunches it not as fun. Well, for me.

So (here's my lackadaisical) punchline...Please join me as I figure out why I write. Besides, it's free.

PS. Tomorrow's post will be much better. I say that not knowing what it will be about. Maybe a post on the most famous train derailments...   


Mary said...

"You may ask yourself why would a train leave the station KNOWING that it was going to derail, but that's where the fun comes in." Best line EVER!!!! :D

You're not quite the train wreck you think you are MC... that would be my lot in life ;)

Patti said...

Nothing more scintillating than reading about train derailments. I for one can't wait.
I'm sure that writing pipe makes you feel debonair. You need a sweater with patches on the elbows. I actually have one on at the moment. Seriously.

meleah rebeccah said...

MC - you are STILL an extremely talented writer. And you always will be. It's who you are!

Ralph said...

You really have a knack for writing - you think and indeed, you need to write it down. Many people really think that they are unable to write. That isn't necessarily true, but a good writer has to work their craft as much as possible. You write because that is your craft (besides being a dad).

You can write - set up an LLC and use writing as a means to some income. If you have disability, you can earn up to a certain amount - and do so from home. I believe that people are looking for the written word..

We have just received our LLC paperwork from the state of CT, and the barriers to entry here was only $120. Naturally, we need to market our services...

Also, I receive Social security disability and work part time. If you are curious on working while disabled, I could e-mail you with info regarding my experience. Let me know - I know the process and pitfalls COLD
