Friday, December 26, 2008

It’s Pulled Pork Time In Georgia!

A Georgia resident recently shot an 1100-pound wild hog says the Associated Press. The man shot the animal when he spotted it in a neighbor’s yard, which makes you wonder how many dogs his neighbor has lost, if you catch my drift, which you probably didn't. However, jokes are never funny if you have to explain them, so we'll just move right along...

After shooting the hog, he took it to a weigh station to see just how big it was. This guy is just like me. Whenever I kill something, my first reaction is to drag it to the closest scale. Unfortunately, flies, mosquitoes and moths don’t weigh that much so the thrill is kind of lacking. Although it’s still not determined whether this hog is the biggest ever found in Georgia, it does weigh a few hundred pounds more than the famous ‘Hogzilla’ that was killed a few years ago. I guess that makes this pig Mothra-hog? Now if you are not familiar with the Godzilla Trilogy, that made no sense. Let's try it this way: if the previously known biggest pig was that one guy on 'The Odd Couple,' the new bigger pig is that other guy that the one guy lived with on 'The Odd Couple.' Kind of. Again, perhaps we should just move on...

The pig is now hanging from a tree in the man’s front yard, which is a good thing since houses always seem to look so bare after all the Christmas lights and decorations are taken down. The fact that it’s a dead obese animal and will probably start to have a horrible stench within the next few days is completely irrelevant of course. I can’t think of a better way to keep those pesky neighborhood kids off the lawn than a dead feral pig swaying from a tree.


Anonymous said...

I laughed out loud picturing you weighing a moth on a scale.

But then I was kinda sick thinking about this guy hanging THAT on his tree.


Patti said...

Ewwwww is my first reaction as well.

May your Yuletide continue to be merry and bright.

Jenn said...

Must be a hellova tree. You know Hogzilla was a fake, right? But these Georgia Boys, they do so love their trophys.

Unknown said...

" I can’t think of a better way to keep those pesky neighborhood kids off the lawn than a dead feral pig swaying from a tree."

Me neither.

Michele said...

It's stories like these that make me a bit more tolerant of my own annoying neighbors. *shudder*

High Power Rocketry said...

: )

Jenn said...

Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

I don't understand the impulse to kill an animal just because it's big. Seems like such a shame. And an invitation to a little visit from instant karma.

Expat No. 3699 said...

I can't imagine a guy with a hog hanging in his yard actually taking down the lights the day after Christmas. I think he leaves them up all year round. In fact he probably went and bought more on clearance at the local Walmart and put them on the hog. That would look real purdy!