It's...uh, Wednesday?
I know that most people refer to Wednesday as “hump” day. But being a parent of two almost 9 year old girls, I prefer to call it something different. Because I do NOT want to have to explain what hump is to my girls. Yes, it's a bump or that thing on a camel's back but I'm talking about the OTHER word for hump. You know, the 'bon chick a bo wow' thing. Wait, did that sound like I was calling for a dog to come to me?
Because if you have been reading this blog since Lucy and Ethel were 4, you know that I still refer to men's parts as 'the man area' and woman's parts as the 'woman area' and that's as far as I want to go, at least until they are 18, ok 20, well how about 30...
But sitting around saying Happy Middle Of The Week to people might seem like what an Irish man says. “Happy Middle O'The Week to ya lass,” while tipping his hat. That's fine and dandy, but I'm not Irish. That should be clear if you've ever seen my legs...
So what should I call Wednesday? 'Happy 4th Day,' or if you start your week on Monday, 'Happy Thrice Day?' But I think the word thrice went out of favor back when there were castles and dames locked inside of them and people used to have big turkey legs to eat.
That's why I am writing this. I will let YOU decide what I should call Wednesday. Come on, I know that you are all clever folks. Besides if I put you to work on it then I can go find me some turkey leg!! Did that sound right??