Happy Birthday America!!!!!
It’s finally here, my second favorite holiday of the year! The first you ask? Why, it’s President Rutherford B. Hayes’ birthday of course! You mean you don’t make Rutherford salad and have B. Hayes pies on his birthday. Well, I’ll just look the other way then. I’d always thought that was everyone’s favorite holiday.
The 4th of July is always a great summer event. And I won’t even mention how great it is that we don’t have to work every July 4th. Although a very small part of me (like one eyelash) is looking forward to going to work tomorrow. I finally saw Monty Python’s The Holy Grail last night after it came highly recommended (thanks Heart) and was so inspired by the Knights Who Say Ni that I am going to institute a secret word when I get to work tomorrow. I’m just not going to tell any of the coworkers what it is…Yep, I’ll be in HR’s office before my second cup of coffee.
However, that’s tomorrow. Today is our nation’s birthday and our celebration of Independence. So, Happy Birthday America. I’m choosing to be independent of a lot of things today. I am going to declare my independence from work, doing the dishes, doing the yard, using my better common sense (that’ll come during illegal fireworks time), from caring about what may or may not accidentally get launched into my neighbor’s backyard tonight and not giving a hoot if my entire neighborhood doesn’t feel like listening to Jimmy Buffett when I do. Yes, declaring one’s independence is a great feeling!
Well, if you are stateside and are reading this, you shouldn’t be. Go enjoy the holiday and make sure you come back tomorrow. I’m going to see if an American can finally win the Nathan’s Coney Island Hot Dog Contest and then I’m declaring my independence from the inside of the house until it’s bedtime. I’ve got the kiddy pool filling up with water, meat thawing, Jimmy Buffett waiting and two bottles of charcoal lighter fluid at the ready. I’m going with two bottles for tonight’s BBQ because I figured it would be nice to use a little extra to celebrate the 4th. If you’re lucky this evening, just look westward and you might see me lighting it up. You just know this is what our Founding Fathers wanted us to be doing today. Now, where did I put the fire department’s phone number again????****Update**** American Joey Chestnut did win the Hot Dog Eating Contest with 66 hot dogs and buns in 12 minutes. It helped that his biggest competitor had a 'reversal of fortune' at around 63 hot dogs. Yeah, he threw up. This is the only day I'm glad I don't have a high definition TV!!!*******
wow ~ I told you to enjoy the BBQ before I even read this post. Do I know you or what?!!?
Glad to hear you finally have seen "The Holy Grail" ~ it's one of Kid Two's favorite movies.
He has a poster for it in his room that says "makes Ben Hur look like an epic."
Sounds like your holiday is off to a good start.
Take care with the illegal pyrotechnics.
Hey....Have fun, my best blogging buddy!!! and don't drown in the kiddie pool!
Michael, happy 4th to you. Enjoy the independence you have earned from dishes, yard work, and common sense (you are not storing the fireworks and charcoal lighter fluid together, are you??). I think that Joey Chestnut only earned a TKO, he is bigger than the other guy, should’ve won by more than 3 dogs. Hot dogs are adapted from the German wurst, why not a eating contest using the most American of foodstuffs: ears of corn. The contestants could eat the kernels straight up, and soak the cobs in water to soften them up…
I can't believe that it took you this long to see The Holy Grail!
Patti: I won't blow too much up! I just hope I don't have to go and buy a new BBQ tomorrow after I ignite the lighter fluid!! Have a great 4th!!
Odat: Happy 4th to you my best blogging buddy! I don't know, for a kiddie pool, it's pretty deep ;-)
Be careful at the beach!
Ralph: Ears of corn would be a great contest. But if you watched and heard all the competitors' intros, that's probably the ONLY eating contest they don't have! If you and Patti ever get out this way, we are going to have cars lined up outside for the BBQ we'll be doing ;-) Happy 4th!!
Awesome Mom: Happy 4th. Believe it or not, I've been hearing that a lot today!!! ;-)
Yey, I love Monty Python and the Holy Grail! I mean how can you not like it..
4th of July, congrats mate! Hope you had a blast *KABOOM*
Crash: Thanks!!! That movie was great, but now I'm eternally indebted to the person who finally convinced me to see it ;-)
Don't worry, you'll hear the kaboom, even where you are!!
So, if I jumped on a plane now at 5:15 NJ time, do you think they'll still be food left over at your house?
Silver: Simply put---YES! We'll see ya when you get here. Ribs or chicken, take your pick ;-)
OOooooh, a fellow Jersian!!
Seriously, DO NOT blow yourself up. I will have no one to send crab fishing with Mike when I've finally had enough of him.
And I haven't seen any Monty Python either, though I'm sure I'd love it, and my husband is embarrassed to admit to his friends I haven't seen it. I have also been called un-American for never having seen Star Wars.
AndreAnna: I won't say a word about Star Wars. I thought that was a citizenship requirement. The best part about now having seen the Holy Grail is that now I get all the jokes people have always been making about...
I wouldn't really say that I'm worried about blowing myself up, it's everything around me. Yep, my only refuge may be a crab boat if I manage to launch my BBQ later ;-)
"Like one eyelash" tehhheee that cracked me up... I am going to have to use that one if you don't mind. Second cup of coffee...for shame...you know better(I can ever stop being a mom what is wrong with me?)...and well I like the idea of a secret word...mine is "shit fire" ohhhh yeah everyone is probably aware of that one...but I hope it catches on...
Happy 4th of july...how fitting is my picture today for your reports of the hotdog eating contest...you can use the picture if ya want!!! tehhheee
Just Telling: I've always liked your (not so) secret word! I'm pretty sure it WILL catch on! OK, I'll keep it to one cup of coffee. For some reason, I think I'll stick to the picture I've already used, but thanks!!! heheheheh
No really are you sure about the picture...I really don't mind...I mean hot dog contest and all...
tehehehe...that really made me giggle...
Just Telling: You are such a sweet soul to offer (twice, by the way) ;-)
I feel so bad having to say no thanks (again)
Oh, wow... more hot dogs! You really like'm, huh? or, at least, to write about them... you start to worry me, Mikey!
And a HUGE happy B'day to the US!
Heart: Hey, we finally won our own contest! On behalf of the US, and as an official representative (unappointed of course), I accept your nice birthday wishes ;-)
The b'day gift is in the mail! :D
Heart: It's not going to explode like a firework, is it??
Now that is nerve-wracking. She didn't respond to your question.
Beware all packages that arrive.
Well, if you wanna spoil the surprise... *sigh*
Patti: Well, I do love explosions ;-)
Heart: Sorry, curiosity killed the blogger, I guess. Ok, I have no idea what that really means...
King Arthur: [after Arthur's cut off both of the Black Knight's arms] Look, you stupid Bastard. You've got no arms left.
Black Knight: Yes I have.
King Arthur: *Look*!
Black Knight: It's just a flesh wound.
I love that movie.
And how great that an American final won the Nathan's hot dog eating contest. IT'S ABOUT TIME!!!!
I'm not anonymous...Stupid Comments Page.
Hope you didn't blow too much up yesterday.
I will never be able to see a hot dog without thinking of Joey (our National hero) shoving them in his face.
The hot dog thing makes me sick...yuck! Happy 4th!
"not giving a hoot" - I like that you worked that in. And ewww enough with the hot dog grossness!!! :P
Texas: I thought that may have been you ;-)
Mist: Yes, he is a national hero. Thank you for recognizing that.
Jenny!: Sorry. I seemed to have ruined hot dogs for a lot of people with this post ;-)
Frigga: OK, I'm done with the hot dog thing...until next year. Bwahahaha!!
Your Fourth sounds perfect. I am reading this rather late so I guess sharing the news that our American winner may have had an unfair chemical advantage is probably old news to you.
But who cares? A win is a win, godamnit!
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